Our Top 5 Favorite Personal Assessments

Get to know yourself even better with these assessment tools.

By: Natalie Miller-Moore

Along the way to adulthood, we are told to be well-rounded, to strive for good grades in every subject, and to spend time working to improve our weak areas. 

We say, “no thank you!” Why be well rounded when you can be sharp and shiny!? Instead, let’s work on strengthening our strengths.

Here are 5 tests to help you know yourself better:


Myers-Briggs is a classic, and while there are concerns about the unscientific way it was created, there are a few insights I think are worth drilling down on. This test will give you a set of letters to describe your personality. The most commonly known is the introvert / extrovert dynamic, how we gain and drain energy.

16 Personalities is a free place to take this assessment. 

The Fascination Matrix

The Fascination Matrix is based on a book by Sally Hogshead. The author’s marketing expertise shines through, and she has identified seven ways to fascinate, Innovation, Passion, Power, Prestige, Trust, Mystique, and Alert. Every person has a primary and secondary advantage that offers a personal label, (ex. The Victor - someone who pursues excellence across the board). There is generally a cost to taking the test but for personal branding, it’s worth it, especially when establishing a personal brand.

The Four Tendencies

To better understand how to stay motivated, we recommend Gretchen Rubin’s Four Tendencies. This assessment tells you more about the combination of your internal and external motivation, so you can be creative about how you encourage better habits. For example, if you are an “Obliger”, then having an accountability partner will be motivating for you because external accountability is a great motivator for you.


The Chronotype is an assessment designed to better understand your biological clock (aka when you have the most physical energy during the day). If you’ve ever heard the term “Early Bird” or “Night Owl”, this is what we mean. There are four Chronotypes - Dolphin, Lion, Bear, and Wolf. Created by Dr. Micheal Breus, the Sleep Doctor, this test is designed to tell you when is your best time of day to do different activities like drinking coffee, intimacy, and other important endeavors.

Human Design

A new age variation on traditional astrology is an assessment called Human Design This test uses your birthday, time, and place to help you know how to work with your energy to make decisions and be more authentically you. There are four energy types: the Manifestor, the Generator, the Projector, and the Reflector. The test is free, with additional modules paywalled. If you are really into astrology though, go for the Big 3 (Sun, Moon, Rising) and see if it fits.

Knowing yourself and what you are uniquely suited for is the beginning of getting centered, owning your power, letting your personality shine, and attracting the right opportunities. 

Be you! (Everyone else is already taken, anyway.) 



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