Your rule breaker type is…..
You are good at building trust in others and have a solid sense of your own personal values. You consider yourself a rule follower, but you realize that not all rules are created equal. When injustice is at play, you are the first to call it out. You enjoy highlighting the wins of others and consider yourself a life-long learner. You know you don’t know everything, but you are solid in your understanding of right and wrong.
Read on for your celeb companions, book recommendations, and more.
more about the Peacemaker
You have the ability to connect with people with many different beliefs and that is your superpower. By using your voice, you can be the bridge that brings us closer together.
You may feel frustrated, that playing referee feels like you aren’t making progress. People with extreme views may try to pull you to their side or accuse you of being “middle of the road.”
Make time for your creativity. If you don’t nourish yourself, you can’t help others. Whether is is a creative hobby or simply time to daydream, taking that time for yourself is crucial.
A woman with a voice is, by definition, a strong woman.
- Melinda Gates
celebrity companions
Michelle obama
The former First Lady says this about leadership, “One of the lessons that I’ve learned is that we have to have broader definitions for what leadership is so that we can see it in all forms that it takes…so that we can recognize it in ourselves, and in others, and we don’t overlook it.”
Mindy Kaling
The first woman of color to create, write, and star in a primetime sitcom, didn’t set out to be a role model. She received plenty of criticism early in her career, but has let that fuel her to tackle topics of race and gender by sharing her own story and perspectives like hers.
reece witherspoon
The founder of Hello Sunshine, a media brand telling women’s stories. This actress turned entrepreneur is making it her mission to show women of all different abilities, body types, sexualities, and backgrounds.
Reading Recommendations
Untamed by Glennon Doyle
Becoming by Michelle Obama
The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters by Priya Parker
our community
The Rebelle Community is full of Peacemakers. Leadership comes in so many forms and our peacemakers are the best a bringing people together. If you are looking for more people to have in your corner, you’ve got to check out our membership.
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One last thing for you…
Check out rule breaker by rebelle our (free) podcast featuring Peacemakers just like you
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