7 Ways To Combat Decision Fatigue
If you are feeling overwhelmed lately, you are not alone.
Not only are you living through a global pandemic, having your attention pulled by technology and social media, you also have more choices and options than ever before. Just take a look at the toothpaste aisle.
All of this deciding can be exhausting and anxiety inducing, so much so, there is a term for it.
Decision fatigue is “the idea that after making many decisions, your ability to make more and more decisions over the course of a day becomes worse,” said Dr. MacLean, a psychiatrist. “The more decisions you have to make, the more fatigue you develop and the more difficult it can become.” *Source
Our brains simply were not designed to make so many choices each and every day.
Here are 7 ways to combat decision fatigue
Sleep & Rest
Since decision fatigue gets worse as the day goes on, taking breaks, and getting quality sleep is an essential practice. You’ve most likely heard the phrase “sleep on it” given as advice before making a big decision. Sleep is important for restoring cognitive function which is declining as you decide again and again.
Find places where you can decide once and reap the benefit. Whether it is streamlining your wardrobe to a “uniform” or having the same thing for breakfast, there are places where you can have a “go-to”. Use technology to your advantage by setting up automations for things like grocery shopping, saving money, or even sending birthday cards.
Bring On Advisors
For the more important decisions in your life, it is important to have advisors, key people in your network, friends, or family, that you can talk with, who understand your goals and have your best interest in mind. (This is why we created SWELL.)
Delegate Decision Making
Not every decision must be made by you. If you tend to carry the burden of making choices, so that others around you do not have to, it is time to check in. Who in your life could take some of the deciding off your plate?
Set A time Limit
If you are a waffler, someone who had a difficult time deciding even when you are not fatigued, you could be using up much needed energy. Set a time limit for yourself by which to decide and then move on.
Reset Your Expectations
When you are considering too many options, your brain is working harder to limit and choose. It is important to remember, not every decision is going to be the “right” one, and you are allowed to decide and change your mind.
Feel Your Physical Feelings
Learn your physical sensations that are signs you are nearing decision fatigue. After a particularly busy day, are your eyes feeling tired, are you losing your energy earlier in the day. Every person is different, but it is important to know your signs to combat your fatigue with rest as soon as you can.