Rebelle February Book List
Recommended reads for the cold nights ahead.
Our top picks for all kinds of readers
This February we’ve selected an assortment of fiction and non-fiction books, with a biography thrown in for good measure.
Grab a hot beverage, pick your coziest blanket, and snuggle down to read the work of these amazing women.
It Ends With Us is a new adult fiction story about Lily and her decision to break the cycle of abusive relationships that has been passed down from her mother. We understand totally what Colleen meant when she described it as the hardest book she has ever written in her life. This tear rending but very inspiring novel took us on a tour of the sweet and sour in relationships and sheds light on the reasons it can be hard to leave an abusive relationship, the effect the support we get from family and friends have on us and how we eventually find the right path when we leave unhealthy relationships that aren't working for us.
fantasy fiction
A fast paced, easy to read 70's fantasy fiction story about 10 years old Icky, her struggles with ADHD and the complications it caused within her family. It's a story that begins when Icky loses a game she played with her twin brother and takes you on a night of magical adventure as Icky tries to prove she was born in the wrong family.
The Light We Carry is an amazing biography and follow up memoir to the former first Lady Michelle Obama’s #1 best selling book "Becoming" and it's filled with inspiring stories woven together to give insight on how to adapt and overcome obstacles, battling feelings of self doubt and finding balance in this crazy world.
Michelle takes the reader along on a journey through her insecurities, worries, pain and the strength she found in family, trusted female friendship, mentors and community till she could shine the Light she carries and encourages the reader to do so too. The light we carry is inspiring, relatable, real, it's everything you need for a confidence boost and more.
Are you your own cheerleader? What do you tell yourself, what tone do you use when speaking with yourself, are you gentle and kind or pretty brutal? Be careful because your brain is taking notes.
Speak Kindly, You’re Listening is a non-fiction book that breaks down four key components: imposter syndrome, perfectionism, burnout and that dark inner voice while connecting the link between them all.
Drawing on her own experience, working with cancer patients and being a past education director, she realized she talks to everyone else apart from herself with kindness and care and she tells herself hurtful things she can say to no one else.
Her analysis of her experience helps the readers soften their inner voice into one filled with compassion, understanding and confidence in their abilities.
A fantastic road map for all who want to learn how to give and return love in new radical ways . It is a creative nonfiction book written by New York Times best seller and feminist icon bell hooks. Her thoughts are shaped by psychological and philosophical deductions very much applicable in our modern society.
Throughout her childhood young bell hooks only received unconditional love for a brief period which led to a series of trauma later in her adulthood that she had to heal from.
All About Love dissects the different categories of love and explains intimately the basics for readers to practice love in fulfilling and effective ways.